Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Denney Christmas

Mema surrounded by a bunch of handsome little men.

Look at the dimples in her chin. My poor angel was such a good sport to put up with changing her clothes and taking photos, even though she felt miserable! Shortly after this, she finally ate after 24 hours of no food and only a few sips of water. She puked about 45 minutes later at 6:15, about the time she would have been singing if she'd done her church solo. She was devastated and after she ate, swore she felt better and wanted to go. I'm so glad we didn't let her!

Memaw and the girls with their American Girl babies.

The quads.

Abby with a genuine smile! :-)

You can tell she didn't really want to do photos, but she's so accommodating....when she's sick! Haha!

Giggling Gracie.

The boys transformed into Super Heroes!

Ry and Blake with matching jammies.

It was so magical when Abby opened her American Girl baby, even though she was sick. I could tell she was excited...would have been a much neater reaction if she'd been well. Here she is thanking Mema.

I LOVE this photo!

My niece Gracie always shops for gifts at the Mini O'Bierne Crisis Nursery shop. We LOVE getting our hand-picked gifts, and she puts so much thought into them. She even got a gift for Gretchen this year.

What a cute photo of the three boys.

How Abby spent Christmas Eve and most of Christmas day.

Watters Christmas

My coloring is a little off. These are the first photos with my new lens. It's taking some adjusting! The white balance is so touchy. But the kids are adorable...even the grown-up ones, despite being a little magenta and blue!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our Christmas update's bad when you haven't blogged in so long that you can't remember your password! OK, I've been naughty, but Santa was kind to me anyway. Merry Christmas to all! It was wonderful to see some of our family and celebrate Dennis and Eileen's 40 years of wedded bliss. We hope to see more family in January when we hold a little open house in their honor!
I hope you found peace, joy, love and delight in celebrating the birth of Christ this year. We certainly tried, but got knocked out by a stomach virus that included 12 hours of simultaneously puking children, followed by fevers and a little girl who barely got out of her bed for three days. She sat on my lap Christmas morning with her eyes closed while her brother opened her gifts and we told her what they were. She was RELIEVED when it was over and she could go back to bed. Interesting Christmas indeed and one we won't soon forget. She was devastated that she couldn't sing the solo she'd practiced for months on Christmas Eve, but we'll see if we can't get someone to let her sing it in January.
I got an awesome opportunity to take publicity photos on Saturday morning for a movie that is coming out in March. I managed to do it with a horrible stomach condition...maybe the virus or something else. Not sure but I took two sleeping pills afterward because the pain is so severe I couldn't sleep the night before and my stomach would not stop causing sharp pains. (Yes, I'll see a doctor if it doesn't stop...but I'm not up for the ER!) Anyway, I met with a family to take portraits and candid stills of their holiday festivities. It's for a movie called "Brothers at War," a documentary about boys from Decatur who had a brother embed with their respect units to tell the story about why these guys are willing to sacrifice so much to fight for our country. If you see any press about it, you might be looking at my photos! I'll try to post some soon, but first, I'm off to edit them!