Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How our holiday season got its start...

The weekend before Dan became ill, our holidays were pretty much on schedule. All the shopping was done. We enjoyed the Athens Christian Church children's Christmas program, and Abby would sing the following weekend. They had their school program coming up. We had baking and wrapping to do. But we were on schedule, unlike most years. That's a good thing. We got to enjoy an evening with friends, albeit our chef was running back and forth to one of our minister's homes where he....well, that's a story for another day. I'll just say December was a month of freak accidents. And leave it at that!
So, here are the adorable children decorating the sugar cookies. I simply don't know what's more stunning -- the children or the cookies!
 Yes, that is a sunflower platter to put the decorated cookies on. Now you know what to get me for Christmas next year. ;-)   We had this nice spread of green and pinkish red icing and a large array of sprinkles. I thought I overbought. It's amazing how fast sprinkles disappear in a room with five children. 

The older girls paid a lot of attention to detail. 

Ryker paid attention to icing. Lots and lots of icing. And when it got on his fingers, he licked them. Want a cookie? Ha! He took a lot of trips to the bathroom to wash his hands. Abby's finally catching on that you can't lick your hands while you're preparing food. Although there was no oversight committee for the angel food cake she made last weekend (photos to come...believe me, it's something to behold!). 

This is Zettie's first cookie. "Oops." The sprinkles didn't have lids with little holes. Just big openings. Uh-oh. (Shhhh.....this is the one I ate later!)

I think they enjoyed it. A least they were all in one room and still for five minutes. Can't say that about the rest of the night!

Zettie's face after the sprinkle mishap. Umm. How could anyone ever be mad at her? "It's OK, honey. More sprinkles next time would be good. Please and thank you."

Here's Rozella and Abby finishing up. The boys lost interest and went to find something they could make weapons out of. Cookies just aren't their thing, I guess. Until it's time to eat them. Typical. Boys. 

The following day was a lazy, lazy day. I woke up with a migraine, so we missed church. We stayed in our PJs until 4 p.m. After we showered, I decided that Abby and I should give each other Christmas pedicures. The boys felt left out. Of course, Dan was two toenails into Ryker's paint job when he mentioned I would probably post the photos on Facebook. Ryker freaked out and didn't let him finish. (It was funny to see his two red toes in the baptismal water on Sunday!) Anyway, I have a bunch of photos of Dan painting Ryker's toes, but in the interest of a well-adjusted boy, I'll refrain from sharing. Of course, I don't necessarily recommend pedicures for the men in your life. Two days later, Dan was sweating like crazy in the emergency room and I pulled off his socks. He spent the next week in the hospital explaining himself to all the nurses. There's really only two reasons for a man with painted toenails: 1. A really good dad and 2. Well, I don't think I have to spell that one out. But I'm pretty relieved Dan falls under reason No. 1. 

I don't think I took many photos for the next week. One of my camera's most inactive periods! We spent most of our spare time in the hospital, and well, that was too depressing to photograph. Not that hospitals are bad. I love hospitals. Just not when my husband is in one. 

So a few days after he was released from his prison cell, er um hospital room, my sister and her husband Teddy (who live in Germany) were going to be breezing through Springfield on the Amtrak on their way from spending a few days with his family to go down to the St. Louis area and spend a few days with my family. So we surprised the kids that morning and drove them to the Amtrak station. We had purchased two tickets for them to board with Jamie and Teddy. They were pretty excited at this news and especially at the fact that they'd be the first ones to see their aunt and uncle!

Abby waiting inside the station, which is extremely disgusting. I cringe just thinking of it, and I'd left my antibacterial gel in the car. Never do that. It's just asking for trouble. 

Ryker watching the northbound train pulling away. On it were about a dozen men in matching sweatpants and sweatshirts. There was also a police car outside the station that pulled away as soon as the prisoners, I mean men got on the train. I wonder....did they get a weekend release for the holidays? That's really nice. I mean that. No, actually I am only saying that because they got on the other train. If they'd gotten on the train with my babies, I would have snatched my kids off that train. Because these creepy men in shabby uniforms were staring at my kids' every move. Oddly enough, my kids never mentioned them, and it was the first thing I noticed. Hmmmmm.....overprotective mom???

Eventually we had to wait outside because they were just so darned excited. And also the filth of the station was giving me the heeby jeebies. This is cute, though. Ryker making his excited face. No, not really. I didn't tell him to do that. He is just naturally adorable and makes these natural expressions that make your heart mel. Your heart's not melting? Really? 

Yay! Here comes the train....finally. Only 15 minutes behind schedule. That's not bad!

Yay! Aunt Jamie! Aunt Jamie! 

My babies boarding the train for their very first train ride. My sources tell me it wasn't very exciting to them. Five minutes down the road. "We're bored."  That's why we tried to send them with books and their Nintendos. Is nothing exciting anymore to 7 and 9 year olds? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
