Today, I should be doing about a million other things. But I got distracted and then inspired and I simply MUST share my walk down memory lane! I am cleaning out folders on my computer to make room for photos and videos from Africa. (So I am at least accomplishing something!) And I came across these.
The background on this story is that Abby saved up her money, and we took her to Chicago to American Girl to buy her first big girl doll on Memorial Day weekend nearly two years ago. It was an amazing experience, and she enjoyed it. But not as much as she thoroughly loved what is to follow that she discovered on our walk back to the parking garage. It was a loooooong walk, and we were almost there.
But Abby sees something. Something that looks kind of like a hobo. A bike with a big painted box on the back. And she stops. I'm so glad I took a photo of this, of all of this because just looking at these brings a HUGE smile to my face, such a precious memory!
Here she is, tiny and alone in the city sidewalk -- compelled to look at this....this thing.
Her stopping and looking inspires others to stop and look. I'm thinking she's a little strange. Well, I know she's a little strange. But the momma bear in me is thinking, "Don't get too close to that hobo or whatever." I was thinking worse, like it was some child predator in a box. I was definitely skeptical, but what's new!
I think this guy on the left is thinking the same thing I'm thinking. I can tell by the look in his eye. He doesn't stop. Abby looks at us with pleading eyes; she doesn't want to leave. She has to KNOW what's in that box???
Hesitantly, we let her. It's a puppet show, and she LOVES it! My then 7-year-old is in heaven. As she dances with her new doll, I can't help but snap photos of her. She is absolutely captivating! Some people stop to watch simply because of how adorable she is, or at least that's what I deduced!
Here she's smiling with her teeth. She never did that for like three years! But she can't help herself. She's not thinking. She's simply....enjoying. Laughing. Loving.
I'm STILL skeptical of exactly who's in the box, so I take this photo for a little follow-up research at home!
She loved imitating the puppets with her doll, dancing along to the music that's playing from somewhere inside the box.
She's undeniably having the time of her life!
Ryker finally can't take it anymore. Her joy is contagious, and he decides to move in. But you can see...he's a skeptic like his momma! And there's Abby, smiling with her teeth again. See the guy on the right. He is snapping a photo of the puppet.
In a classic move that Puppet Bike is known for, the kitty dives down and gets her own camera and takes a photo's my kids' reactions:
Ryker, with a half smile, is still a bit hesitant. Not Abby, though. She apparently knows a good thing when she sees it.
I still haven't seen these puppets, because I'm shooting from the back/bike side of the box, so I swing around for a look. Wow. I was expecting something different -- spectacular, I guess you could say. Not so raggedy and grungy.
Look! Kitty wants to see me, too! Oh, my! Kitty doesn't even have eyes!!!
But that doesn't stop her from putting on a heck of a show!
With her sidekick.
Abby gets brave. she wants to see the man behind the act. Ryker, too, but he keeps it a few steps back!
Ditching the doll so she can dance along with the puppets.
Please don't leave, Abby says. This is SO much fun!!
Good-bye, Puppet Bike! After she grabbed her doll and we walked away, she held my hand and said, "Thanks for letting me stay for that, Mommy. That was the most amazing thing ever!"
If I had only known -- a few dollars tipped to Puppet Bike was much more economical and rewarding than a trip to American Girl!
What a timeless lesson? All the money we think we need to spend on our kids, but it's the simple joys in life that leave the most lasting impression, that bring the most pure joy. Abby taught me something on this day: Slow down and enjoy life, look for the simple and embrace the artistic. And for goodness sake, don't be such a skeptic!
I remember that trip! And these pictures! I love the look of sheer joy on her face!
I remember that trip! And those photos! I love the look of sheer joy in her face
We need to do it again!! So much fun and we always love seeing you and the boys (that includes Rich!)
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