This morning he mouthed something that he said I would just know what he was saying. I could tell it started with "I love you," but it went on and on. "I have no idea," I said.
"Mom, I said, 'I love you, and I just want to take your head right off,'" he explained.
Ohhhhh-kay....I said walking into the kitchen, a little frightened. ;-)
"And bounce it on the ground, but not the hard ground, the soft gound," he continued. Glad he cleared that up!
Last night he was playing with a balloon he's had since mid -January. It hit the light bulb and busted, and I never saw such crockodile tears! We all had to take turns saying "nice things" about the balloon. Then Abby helped him put the busted latex somewhere "safe and secure," where Grandma can't find it, 'cause Ryker was sure she'd throw it away without even asking. ;-)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
My assistants

Abby is usually a great help to set up the studio for sessions. This is her modeling for something I wanted to try with a client, see my blog at to see how it turned out. Dan has also been a HUGE help in the studio, holding props, lights or getting kids to react. Hopefully they're having as much fun as I am!!
Ryker's rules
I was kissing Ryker good night tonight, and he for some strange reason wanted to tell me the rules of his school. they are, and pay particular attention to how he lost focus on the numbers. :-)
Rule No. 1: Be kind.
Rule No. 2: No fighting.
Rule No. 3: No fighting over toys.
Rule No. 4: No yellow lights.
Rule No. 5: No red lights
Rule No. 2: No fighting with your friends.
Rule No. 3: No stomping.
Rule No. 9: No bad lights.
Rule No. 10: No slamming things down.
Rule No. 1: Be kind.
Rule No. 2: No fighting.
Rule No. 3: No fighting over toys.
Rule No. 4: No yellow lights.
Rule No. 5: No red lights
Rule No. 2: No fighting with your friends.
Rule No. 3: No stomping.
Rule No. 9: No bad lights.
Rule No. 10: No slamming things down.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Dan and Abby's date day
Ryker funny
Yesterday I had a doctor appt. in the morning and afterward, Ryker had a family fun Friday at Lowe's. We were heading to Lowe's and I said, "Darn it, Ryker. I forgot to check which Lowe's we're supposed to be going to." He replied, "There's two Loweses?" (imagine the little lisp in that sentence!) We arrived and walked in the door to find two PreK teachers steering us toward the back where they would build their carpentry projects (check your local Lowe's. They do these all the time...very cute). Ryker immediately told them how we weren't sure which Lowe's to go to. Miss Becky said, "Well, we're glad you came to the right one." We started walking to the back of the store, and Ryker looked at me and said, "Phew. We avoided a disaster on that one, didn't we Mom?" I laughed and laughed ... partly because of what he said but also for how serious he looked when he said it.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
A huge milestone in our house
25 random things
From Facebook, which you should totally join if you haven't yet!! And when I invite you, please be my friend (Lori!!!).
25 random things about me
1. I really, really like (OK, love) coffee. I blame Kristi O’Brien, who forced me to drink it in college. Actually, I don’t blame her. I adore her for it. Coffee makes me whole; without it I am but a shell.
2. I used to feel that way about cigarettes. Now, that totally grosses me out. Can’t even stand to smell them (even though I secretly crave one every time I see someone take a drag on television…there, it’s out!).
3. We almost put our dog to sleep four times…three times in two weeks. She’s like a cat with nine lives.
4. My son has my personality. He is very emotional, shy around people he doesn’t know well and very empathetic, especially when it comes to Abby. Oh, and he LOVES books, cannot put them down. Wakes up at 5 a.m. to read. He is a maniac about books.
5. I have a child with ADHD. And no matter how much I feel I’ve explained that to people, they still think her behavior is the result of bad parenting or that they can fix her or correct her or that by screaming at her, she’ll somehow miraculously snap out of it. As frustrating as she can be, and believe me she’s put us to the test, I know she’ll outgrow it and it will make her a better person. Already she has proven how amazing she is, and I wouldn’t change a thing about her.
6. Zumba is my favorite exercise. I hate exercise, but Zumba is so fun. When I stopped for three months last year, I gained 15 pounds! My jeans are still unhappy about that.
7. I can’t stand it when people gossip to bring another person down, humiliate them, belittle them or try to align others against them.
8. I have the best husband in the world! He is a phenomenal dad, cook, husband. I’m so proud of everything he does. He’s not afraid to try something new, and he always puts his family above all!
9. I love Mexico…not the part with the beaches. Never been there. I’m talking about the mountains. It’s breath-taking scenery among some of the world’s worst poverty. This summer we’ll take our third mission trip to Zaragoza.
10. I hate school fund-raisers…we live in a town of 1,600 people. Everyone here has a child in the school district…who the heck will buy all this stuff??? (OK, the grandparents and my friend, Jill.)
11. My friend Jill puts me to shame. She sends a card on everyone’s birthday, plus all holidays and anniversaries. (Sometimes I buy and sign cards. Rarely I put a stamp on them. Never do I actually get around to mailing them. Pathetic, I know. But I’m no Jill.)
12. I have been blessed with an absolutely astounding church family. I could write on and on about them. They helped tremendously when we moved, when I had my appendectomy and are a steady stream of support and encouragement.
13. I just got all my hair chopped off. I like it short; I should keep it this way.
14. If I could change one thing about my physical appearance, it would be my nose. I think it’s getting bigger. Oh, I’d change my stomach, too…bye-bye stretch marks and gigantic stretched-out belly button!
15. Commercials sometimes make me cry.
16. So do songs, movies, books….
17. I am currently reading the entire New Testament, one chapter a day, and blogging about it.
18. I recently discovered that I’m good at bowling…on Wii.
19. I once yelled at my husband to keep down the noise while he was puking, and I don’t think he’s forgiven me yet. He probably shouldn’t.
20. I took a temporary job last year for two days a week so that we could pay off all of our debt in a year. (We are huge followers of Dave Ramsey.) But my passion and my heart is in my photography business, and I’m excited every day to learn and grow these skills.
21. I’d love to write a book someday.
22. Being a mom is the most surprisingly delightful thing that’s happened to me. In college, I only wanted a career. Then I met Dan. When I decided I wanted kids, we were told we might not have any. God blessed us with two beautiful children, and I gave up my career twice to stay home with them. I have been blessed with a schedule that allows me to go on field trips, help in Abby’s room twice a month and go on every preschool activity.
23. I miss some of my old friends that I hardly talk to anymore and wonder if they’ve changed as much as I have.
24. I never talk about politics anymore, even though it still fascinates me and I have strong opinions about it. I’ve learned some people wear their political feelings too close to their hearts, and no debate or disagreement is worth a friendship. I’ve also learned that politics and government isn’t the answer.
25. In the last three years, I’ve developed a relationship with Christ that has radically changed my life. I cannot believe it took me this long to find the “answer” to everything. It has been a huge blessing to me and my family that I couldn’t begin to describe in a list of 25 things.
25 random things about me
1. I really, really like (OK, love) coffee. I blame Kristi O’Brien, who forced me to drink it in college. Actually, I don’t blame her. I adore her for it. Coffee makes me whole; without it I am but a shell.
2. I used to feel that way about cigarettes. Now, that totally grosses me out. Can’t even stand to smell them (even though I secretly crave one every time I see someone take a drag on television…there, it’s out!).
3. We almost put our dog to sleep four times…three times in two weeks. She’s like a cat with nine lives.
4. My son has my personality. He is very emotional, shy around people he doesn’t know well and very empathetic, especially when it comes to Abby. Oh, and he LOVES books, cannot put them down. Wakes up at 5 a.m. to read. He is a maniac about books.
5. I have a child with ADHD. And no matter how much I feel I’ve explained that to people, they still think her behavior is the result of bad parenting or that they can fix her or correct her or that by screaming at her, she’ll somehow miraculously snap out of it. As frustrating as she can be, and believe me she’s put us to the test, I know she’ll outgrow it and it will make her a better person. Already she has proven how amazing she is, and I wouldn’t change a thing about her.
6. Zumba is my favorite exercise. I hate exercise, but Zumba is so fun. When I stopped for three months last year, I gained 15 pounds! My jeans are still unhappy about that.
7. I can’t stand it when people gossip to bring another person down, humiliate them, belittle them or try to align others against them.
8. I have the best husband in the world! He is a phenomenal dad, cook, husband. I’m so proud of everything he does. He’s not afraid to try something new, and he always puts his family above all!
9. I love Mexico…not the part with the beaches. Never been there. I’m talking about the mountains. It’s breath-taking scenery among some of the world’s worst poverty. This summer we’ll take our third mission trip to Zaragoza.
10. I hate school fund-raisers…we live in a town of 1,600 people. Everyone here has a child in the school district…who the heck will buy all this stuff??? (OK, the grandparents and my friend, Jill.)
11. My friend Jill puts me to shame. She sends a card on everyone’s birthday, plus all holidays and anniversaries. (Sometimes I buy and sign cards. Rarely I put a stamp on them. Never do I actually get around to mailing them. Pathetic, I know. But I’m no Jill.)
12. I have been blessed with an absolutely astounding church family. I could write on and on about them. They helped tremendously when we moved, when I had my appendectomy and are a steady stream of support and encouragement.
13. I just got all my hair chopped off. I like it short; I should keep it this way.
14. If I could change one thing about my physical appearance, it would be my nose. I think it’s getting bigger. Oh, I’d change my stomach, too…bye-bye stretch marks and gigantic stretched-out belly button!
15. Commercials sometimes make me cry.
16. So do songs, movies, books….
17. I am currently reading the entire New Testament, one chapter a day, and blogging about it.
18. I recently discovered that I’m good at bowling…on Wii.
19. I once yelled at my husband to keep down the noise while he was puking, and I don’t think he’s forgiven me yet. He probably shouldn’t.
20. I took a temporary job last year for two days a week so that we could pay off all of our debt in a year. (We are huge followers of Dave Ramsey.) But my passion and my heart is in my photography business, and I’m excited every day to learn and grow these skills.
21. I’d love to write a book someday.
22. Being a mom is the most surprisingly delightful thing that’s happened to me. In college, I only wanted a career. Then I met Dan. When I decided I wanted kids, we were told we might not have any. God blessed us with two beautiful children, and I gave up my career twice to stay home with them. I have been blessed with a schedule that allows me to go on field trips, help in Abby’s room twice a month and go on every preschool activity.
23. I miss some of my old friends that I hardly talk to anymore and wonder if they’ve changed as much as I have.
24. I never talk about politics anymore, even though it still fascinates me and I have strong opinions about it. I’ve learned some people wear their political feelings too close to their hearts, and no debate or disagreement is worth a friendship. I’ve also learned that politics and government isn’t the answer.
25. In the last three years, I’ve developed a relationship with Christ that has radically changed my life. I cannot believe it took me this long to find the “answer” to everything. It has been a huge blessing to me and my family that I couldn’t begin to describe in a list of 25 things.
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