Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This morning he mouthed something that he said I would just know what he was saying. I could tell it started with "I love you," but it went on and on. "I have no idea," I said.
"Mom, I said, 'I love you, and I just want to take your head right off,'" he explained.
Ohhhhh-kay....I said walking into the kitchen, a little frightened. ;-)
"And bounce it on the ground, but not the hard ground, the soft gound," he continued. Glad he cleared that up!

Last night he was playing with a balloon he's had since mid -January. It hit the light bulb and busted, and I never saw such crockodile tears! We all had to take turns saying "nice things" about the balloon. Then Abby helped him put the busted latex somewhere "safe and secure," where Grandma can't find it, 'cause Ryker was sure she'd throw it away without even asking. ;-)


Jill said...

That is one impressive balloon! And one funny kid! But watch your head...

Eileen said...

Don't know what to think about the bouncing your head part but he sure is a sweetie. :-)