Saturday, January 28, 2012

What I liked about Christmas 2011

So, this took long enough. The highlights from Christmas in images only a month later: 
My middle sister's surprise gift. It was PERFECT! We each got a bottle aptly named after our personality trait. Mine, on the left, is smarty pants. :) I might make it into a vase if I ever drink it. Still in the fridge! 

My dad didn't disappoint...he had his usual mid-day nap. Traditions. That's why we like the holidays!

It was nice enough out for the kids to play tag outside at Mema and Papa's house Monday. 

Of course, they all got sleds and really wanted to use them. But the lack of snow certainly didn't stop them. 

The poor 13-year-old cousin had the bulk of the work pushing everyone down the hill. 

Dan always has some trick up his sleeve. This year, he wrapped the kids' iPod nanos in giant boxes to throw them off!

My sister Jamie and her husband Teddy were home for three days from Germany. 

And of course, the No. 1 reason Christmas 2011 was so great....Dan got all the gifts. Wait, no, those weren't his. We were all glad he dodged a bullet, recovered from sepsis and was healthy enough to be home from the hospital.

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