Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cute kid stuff

Ryker has been saying some hilarious stuff and really making use of all the big words he knows lately. We decided, since he's being a demanding pain in the you-know-what, that if he wants something like television, he has to practice writing his name three times. Well, he wanted to watch TV today, and so we told him to practice his name. At first, he was OK with it. Then he threw a couple fits. Later he storms out of the room and says, "I am so not writing my name." Later still, "Abby will write my name three times and then you will let me watch a movie."

Tonight as I was tucking him in, he says, "Shhh. I smell something. It smells like green beans and peas." I couldn't smell anything and told him it was time for bed. "Let me smell your breath, Mom," he says. So I opened my mouth, thinking it would get this whole thing over more quickly. It did. "Oh, it's just you," he says, rolling over and sticking his thumb in his mouth.

Later, tucking Abby in bed, she is rubbing Dan's head and mine while saying her prayer. Dan asks when she's done, "Was she rubbing your head too during her prayer?" Before I could answer, Abby says, "I can read and watch TV at the same time, too."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your kids crack me up!