Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mexico update

What a trip! This year was so awesome in Mexico, and we didn't come back sick. :-) I got to see and help in the delivery of a baby, watch Garnet work and see her impact on people firsthand, help her get ready for hundreds who come to her VBS, watch her daughter Lisa lead kids in hymns and crafts in an amazing program she started 9 years ago and watch my group put a concrete roof on a church addition in one day. Garnet is so amazing and very humble, an awesome Christian woman. Her stories are so moving and powerful, her effect on people so broad. I watched her work in the midst of severe asthma problems, skipping lunch (despite being diabetic) and never complain once. She is such a rock....she saw more than 100 patients during our day trip to a very poor desert town, Charco Cercado. It meant so much to these people to see a doctor, and boy, we all got to see some interesting stuff: a man with a horrible infection after having surgery on his foot from a cactus injury. A woman whose neck was bulging with a thyroid problem, wounds, severe stomach problems, painful headaches. Most of these people do not have the money nor the means to buy simple pain killers or vitamins that we take for granted. She handed out something for every single person she saw. I feel so priveleged to be able to go with Garnet and Lisa when they do their mission work.

Our trip ended with no word about our missing bag. The people at the San Lois airport are so rude! The security is insane. It took this little gal 15 minutes to search our luggage by hand in front of everyone. They must touch everything in your suitcase.

When we landed in Dallas, I called my mom only to find out my grandpa had suffered a massive heart attack. We hugged the kids and visited with them briefly, and then Dan's parents were nice enough to take them Monday evening so we could be at the hospital. When I arrived Monday afternoon, they unhooked the IV with fluids. Grandpa was in kidney failure, so it would just be a matter of time. He passed away on Thursday, but first all of his children, siblings and most of his grandkids got to come and say good-bye. It was so hard on Grandma, but I personally found a lot of peace in knowing that my awesome Christian grandfather has a special place in heaven. Having that knowledge made it a lot easier to let go, and I know it was a source of strength for Grandma, too. He will be missed, but he created an unbelievable legacy for his kids, grandkids and great-grandkids. He won't be forgotten!