Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Proof I can't take a good sports photo

I usually have my camera with me wherever I go. I love to take photos. Of people. Doing the things they love to do. I love candids -- a moment captured when nobody is posing or even paying attention to the camera. That's the journalist, the artist in me. So, you might think people, candids, activities people I love enjoy. You might think I'd take some rockin' sports photos. Oh, how wrong you would be! I know aperture, ISO, shutter speed. I know the technical aspects to taking a good photo. I can change the camera settings to make a photo in the same lighting look entirely different. And yet I cannot for the life of me take a good sports photo, though I try. I do try. I take my camera and mostly resort to video -- except for the one goal Abby got in soccer. I didn't take a photo or a video. Frankly, the best boys on her team whose soccer skills are amazing couldn't get a goal, so I really didn't expect her to get one. She did. They lost 8-1. She was the 1!

So, I know if I use a flash, I can freeze the action. And I'm certainly not one who's opposed to artificial lighting. But in sports photography, a flash looks SO ARTIFICIAL to me, even when my speed light is bounced. (Although my new speed light is pretty amazing!)  I like artificial lighting that looks natural -- that's the point and the difference between an amateur and someone who thinks she's a professional. Haha!

OK, so here are three photos (the good ones) of my kids in sports. They are so horrible!!!

So, there you have it. I feel so bad because everyone knows I take photos, so when they see me show up at a game, they think I'll be posting great photos on Facebook later of their child scoring the game-winning basket or stealing the ball. Gulp. Now my secret is out. So sorry! But I do still try, so keep checking in. You never know. I believe in miracles!

1 comment:

PizzaMan said...

Here's all you need....

100 mm f/2.0 lens or 135 mm f/2.0
will make ALL the difference for getting those crisp indoor captures using ambient light.

