Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Photo scavenger hunt

On Memorial Day weekend, on the way home from the St. Louis area visiting family, we decided to have a scavenger hunt with the alphabet -- stopping in random places to "earn" letters. 

Here's what we found

A -- Adorable (shhhh! He doesn't know, and he wouldn't approve. But it's true!)
B -- Boy
C -- Charity 
D -- Dive

E -- Extraordinary (Ok, just trying to find something for E and he's pretty extraordinary!)
F -- Feet
G -- Gas
H -- Horse (and horsing around)
I -- Ice Cream
J -- Jump

K -- Kick (is this a stretch?)
L -- Long hair (for a boy!)
M -- Merry-go-round

N -- Not a sand castle

O -- Old house (as in an old childhood home of mine in Litchfield...sorry for the bad photo!)
P -- Pink 
Q -- Quarter
R -- Refreshing drink after swimming
S -- Slide
T -- Teeter-totter
W -- Wal-mart (where the Jeep stayed for a couple days! It died on our last stop. Thank goodness it was just the battery and close to home!)
X -- X-tra brave (She climbed the ladder no fewer than six times and finally jumped right before my camera battery died! Yay Abby!!!!)

Y -- Yellow
Z -- Zig-zag slide??


Anonymous said...

A big "A" for AWESOME!!

From the letter "m":


Jennifer Rapp said...

Cute... but you skilled "U" ;)

Amy Denney said...

I forgot U and V...just checking to see if you're paying attention. It was a test!