Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Boys and blue jeans

If you have a boy who is three or younger or hope to have a boy someday, I'm about to tell you something very, very important. Because if you're smart, you'll buy up every pair of boys jeans you ever run across at a garage sale or resale shop size 5 or larger. 

Because at least in our house, jeans just don't survive. Which is actually kinda still shocking to me since my boy seems to grow an inch a month. The fact that he blows out knees faster than his pants turn into high waters is illogical and should be illegal. But it's a reality. Last year, he had no pants left at the end of the season. He fared better this year (assuming he doesn't wear jeans from now until June!), but only thanks to a sack full of jeans from a friend. How her son managed to have so many pairs of jeans that survived can only mean three possible things: 
1. His school has no recess. 
2. He grows an inch a week. 
3. He goes to a private school and wears a uniform five of seven days a week. 

It's not summer yet, but we have seven relatively intact pairs of jeans (a couple are worn but no holes yet!) and two pairs of pants. I assume they fit, but I also thought the size 7 jeans I sent to camp on Monday night fit, and apparently he couldn't pull them over his thighs, so who knows!

For contrast, here's a display of jeans that didn't survive. They fill an entire drawer in his dresser. There are 14 jeans. They are perfectly fine, except for the knee/s. Some of them lasted to the very end of the season, getting lots of wear. Others seemed only to survive until lunch recess on their first day. No amount of bribery will work in convincing your son to be kinder to his clothes. This is simply a fact of life, like the sky is blue and the Cubs will never be world champions. 

We organized Ryker's room today. He has a fair amount of shorts, and also a large stack of jeans with holes in the knees, which will make very nice shorts should we come into a shortage, I guess like if there's a laundry picket at our house. As for the seven pair below, I hope I see you (and you fit Ryker) in the fall. 

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